On 24 July, a team from 3PO presented a symposium at the British Psychological Society’s Cyberpsychology Section annual conference. The conference was hosted by Northumbria University in Newcastle upon Tyne.
The symposium, entitled ‘Protecting Public-Facing Professionals and their Dependents Online’, outlined the aims of the project and work conducted to date. Four presentations were delivered that covered topics such as motivations of offenders, experiences of police officers/staff and their families, organisational policy development, and online tools to help mitigate harm.
The conference brings together academics, practitioners, and industry experts to consider current research and emerging issues within the diverse discipline of cyberpsychology. It particularly focuses on human interaction with digital technology, with the aim of delivering high quality research with an applied impact.
The 3PO symposium was well-attended and the presentations positively received. The audience were engaged and raised relevant points that generated excellent discussions, some of which continued long after the symposium had ended. If you are interested in finding out more about the presentations, you can find the abstracts that have been published here.