On the 28th of March 2023, the 3PO Consortium met for the second time on the first anniversary of the project. The meeting was held at University College London and was a great opportunity for our academic partners, police and home office partners to come together to reflect on the first year of the 3PO Project.
The day involved presentations from each of the work packages and was focussed on highlighting findings from the first year. In addition, the Consortium Meeting provided a great opportunity for newer members of the project to meet everyone, as well as deepen connections with our police partners.
Notably, we had the official introduction of Work Package 4 presented by Dr. Shane Horgan from Edinburgh Napier University. Work Package 4 will explore how police organisations envisage and operationalise their responsibility for officers and their dependents safety online through managerial structures and organisational responses.
Dr. Horgan, of his involvement in the project, said "In its first year 3POs researchers and service partners have successfully come together to generate new insights into the online harms and privacy concerns experienced by police officers and their dependents in this relatively uncharted territory. I'm excited about building on that foundation as work package 4 progresses and developing our understandings of how those risks and harms are interpreted and responded to organisationally. That will give us a platform to identify co-creative opportunities for enhancing the training, safety, and wellbeing of public facing professionals and their dependents online."
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